
How To Repair A Ripped Canvas

How to set a torn canvas

By Artists & Illustrators | Tue 20th Apr 2022

If you demand to repair a tear in a sheet painting, Lizet Dingemans shows how information technology's washed with a minimum of fuss

Picture the scene. You hang your latest oil painting on the wall, merely to find out the nail was weak and the picture show falls. Every bit information technology hits the flooring, your beautiful work of fine art gets snagged and the canvas at present has a tear straight through it. The painting is unsalvageable… Or is it?

No matter how conscientious we are with our artwork, occasionally canvases will rip – whether accidentally or otherwise. Some of the most famous paintings in the globe have sustained damage over the years and have needed repairs made to the canvas. In fact, even The Night Sentry by Rembrandt was slashed with a knife in 1975. Luckily, restorers managed to fix this artwork and it is however on display to this twenty-four hour period – proof that what at starting time can seem like a complete disaster is really pretty repairable.

How can I repair a canvas?

There are really a few different ways of repairing a sail:

1. Lining the whole canvass
2. Threading the fibres back together
3. Applying a patch

In this guide, I volition explain how to apply a patch, which is the easiest method to restore a ripped canvas.

Before we start, however, it is important to consider if this is the right selection for you lot. For instance, the size of the tear is important. Annihilation larger than a third of the painting will have to be dealt with by a professional person restorer equally a patch won't hold it. Also be enlightened that bigger tears may require you to repaint some of your picture. If you don't want to practise this, you lot should as well take the painting to a restorer.

What glue should I use to fix a canvas?

Finally, a word on adhesives. There are several options for applying your patch. Rabbit-skin glue was the traditional choice of the One-time Masters. The gum often comes in pellet class and needs to be dissolved in hot h2o before application. As a size, it is not very stable and will shrink and swell with varying levels of humidity. Traditionalists like to employ this mucilage as its employ has been well documented throughout the ages.

The other selection is PVA. PVA resins are a relatively new material. As the water within the glue evaporates when drying, the resin particles motion closer together forming a continuous film. Quality varies, then it is a good idea to get with an artists' quality brand. I used PVA Bond, which has proficient stability and does non yellow.

A guide to repairing a torn sheet

Lizet's materials

  • A damaged painting
  • A piece of a like canvas, at to the lowest degree two-three cm larger than the rip
  • Scissors
  • PVA Bail
  • A damp rag
  • Paint, brushes and a palette pocketknife (for touching up)

i. Assess the damage


Information technology is important to begin past assessing the extent of the damage to the sheet. I will be repairing a portrait on canvas that has about a two-inch rip on the top right. This happened when a stand was accidentally knocked over and the corner went right through the canvass as it was leaning up against the wall. The rip is only pocket-sized, and it is non in a detailed part of the painting, and so it is perfect for fixing with a patch.

2. Apply the patch


The secret to patching is to do information technology from the dorsum of the sail, not the front. It is really non that difficult, nor practise yous need materials that y'all are unlikely to have in your studio or at home already. The canvas does not need to be taken off the stretcher – it is actually easier to repair a sail when information technology is stretched as it is stable and taut.

Start past cutting a slice of canvas about 2-3cm bigger than the tear. The goal is to get the fibres of the canvas to line upwards besides as possible before applying the patch. I am working with a linen sheet here, but if you are using a cotton canvas consider using a damp rag to utilise a picayune moisture to the back of the canvas – it may loosen the fibres and make it easier to close the gap.

TOP TIP Lay the sail patch on the back of your painting to see how it fits before gluing

three. Gum the patch


Utilize the PVA to the canvas patch and make sure the fibres are affluent with the original canvas. (If yous are using a primed canvas patch, which I would recommend, make sure the primed side faces the dorsum of your damaged canvas). Printing downwardly lightly and make sure no PVA escapes through the tear on the other side of the canvas. If it does, just wipe information technology away with a moist cloth.

Turn your attention to the painting side of the canvas now and gently push the two sides of the tear together as much equally possible in lodge to make the fibres line upwardly. Make sure to do this relatively chop-chop as the gum volition be drying equally you go.

4. Let the patch dry


Rest the canvass painted side down. Identify a weight on the back of the patch to hold everything in place and leave the PVA to set up for at least 24 hours. When it has gear up, turn the canvas over and the front end of the painting should await something similar image 4. As you tin see, the white primer on the canvas patch is showing through the tear. Allow the PVA set properly earlier touching up the pigment, otherwise it may loosen over time.

5. Bear on upwardly the paint


Now your patch is on, nosotros can beginning retouching the paintwork.

If you lot were repairing an acrylic painting, you could utilise a filler, such as Golden'south Gel and Moulding Paste, to fill in the gap and give a level surface over which to paint. Oil paint will reject an acrylic-based filler, however, so I recommend filling in any sizeable gaps with thick oil pigment instead, applying information technology with a palette knife and blending it using a brush.

This is where your artistry can come up in. For larger tears or impasto paintings, you can choose to modify the advent of the painting by going over it with thicker layers of paint. If it is a smaller tear or a painting with more subtle brushwork, you lot can attempt to lightly alloy in the touched-up patch with the rest of the painting. Information technology all depends on the size and location of the tear and your personal painting style.

6. The terminal work


When viewed shut up, some of the tear is still visible, but I am pretty happy with the overall results when information technology is viewed from a altitude. I hope you take success with your repairs as well.

Read more:

  • How to stretch a canvas
  • How to prime a board
  • How to choose a frame for your painting

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