
How To Install A Zoeller Sump Pump

Sump Pump Installation Guide

November 30, 2022

If you lot have a basement in your home that floods or could flood, y'all should invest in a sturdy, reliable sump pump. This small-scale but robust pump pushes the water out of your basement to prevent flooding and helps keep your valuables rubber. A sump pump could give you peace of listen if you live in a wet expanse or worry about a rainstorm damaging your basement.

While you could hire a professional plumber to put a sump pump on your property, there are additional costs to have a sump pump installed. This is a projection yous can take on yourself with a niggling knowledge. Whether you lot're replacing your onetime pump or you've decided to install a new ane, we'll requite yous the tools and instructions you need to make your DIY sump pump installation a success. Use this guide to larn how to install a sump pump in your domicile.

What Is a Sump Pump?

A sump pump is a piece of equipment that removes excess water out of the basement. Even if y'all don't live in an area that gets a lot of pelting, you lot never know if yous're going to accept a random rainstorm that could flood your unabridged living space.

How does a sump pump work? Thispumping system goes into a reservoir called a sump basin or a sump pit, which sits in a hole in the lowest level of your basement or clamber space. In one case the float switch on the pump detects that water has accumulated, it automatically turns on and moves the h2o away from the house. As soon as information technology has cleared away the water, it turns off.

If you're wondering whether you demand this pump in your firm, here are some of the reasons to buy a sump pump:

  • Reduce the risk of flooding: During heavy rainstorms, flooding could occur if water leaks into your basement or crawl space. Since a sump pump controls the catamenia of water away from the foundation of your dwelling house, your belongings won't suffer from short-term or long-term water impairment. As a upshot, a sump pump also improves the indoor air quality in your living infinite by getting rid of excess humidity.
  • Forbid the growth of mold and mildew: Stagnant water in your basement encourages mold and mildew to grow. These fungi could cause structural damage in the wooden features of your home, along with allergies and respiratory problems in your family members. When sump pumps remove standing water in your basement, mildew and mold are less likely to grade in your living infinite.
  • Keep away insects and other pests: Backlog wet wears out the wooden joists and walls within the frame of your property. When wood rots, information technology attracts termites, ants and rodents, which all bring contaminants and unpleasant odors into your living space. Removing the standing water with a sump pump will reduce your hazard of pest infestations.
  • Limits the chance of burn down or electrical damage: Water and electrical appliances don't mix. If the wires to your washer, dryer or other electric appliances go wet, they could crusade a power outage or even a fire in farthermost cases. Reduce your take chances of damage to your holding by preventing h2o from flooding in your basement or crawl space.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Home Sump Pump

When selecting the best sump pump for your business firm, you should consider a few factors. If you're replacing an existing sump pump, y'all should order the same type, unless y'all had a significant problem with it. Check the identification plate attached to the unit to find out the data you demand to order a new one. If yous're installing a brand-new sump pump system, review the following features to assist you find one that works for your dwelling.

1. The Type of Sump Pump

There are two principal types of sump pumps that you could install in your business firm:

  • Submersible sump pumps are popular considering they're quiet, and they're excellent at removing unwanted h2o from a basement or clamber space.
  • Pedestal sump pumps are more than toll-constructive and smaller than submersible sump pumps, just they cannot be submerged in water. Pedestal pumps are typically used in older habitation replacement applications

2. The Fabric of the Sump Pump

Sump pumps, whether submersible or pedestal sump pumps, need to be resistant to corrosion and water impairment. Manufacturers usually create sump pumps out of one of these materials:

  • Cast-iron is durable and dissipates oestrus the best.
  • Thermoplastic is an economical option for your residential sump pump.
  • Aluminum is cost-effective and reliable.

At Zoeller at Home, we prioritize the quality of our pump equipment, offering cast-fe submersible and pedestal sump pumps to ensure that your abode stays protected.

iii. Float Switch of the Sump Pump

The bladder switch is what tells the sump pump to plow on or off. While both of these mechanisms detect water and activate the functionality of the sump pump, one may exist better for your domicile than the other.

  • Avertical bladder switch moves up and down on a rod and fits in most narrow areas. Electromagnetic vertical float switches have no moving parts and experience longer life.
  • Atethered bladder switch swings in an arc every bit the water level changes and requires more than infinite.

4. Horsepower of the Sump Pump

A sump pump'due south horsepower determines how apace it tin can move water. One important consideration of how to determine the correct horsepower for your sump pump is the depth of your sump pump basin. When replacing a residential or domicile sump pump, supplant it with the same or college horsepower of the existing unit of measurement. When in uncertainty, selecting higher horsepower is brash.

5. Battery Backup for the Sump Pump

The purpose of a sump pump is to remove water from your basement or crawl space, especially during a flood. Your power may go out when a harsh storm hits. If your sump pump only relies on Air conditioning electrical ability, it could stop working during a time when flooding is most likely to happen. Choose a battery backup sump pump so you have protection from water damage when you need it. For ultimate peace of mind, view our line of Basement Watch Fill-in Sump Pumps to protect your home and valuables with a sump pump replacement.

Where Should a Sump Pump Be Placed?

A sump pump should become inside a basin or pit, which you should install in your basement or crawl infinite. Put a replacement sump pump where you had installed the erstwhile 1. You should place a new one on the bottom floor of your house, where you've had the highest water accumulation.

To prepare the identify where you're going to install the sump pump:

  • Order and test the materials: Before making whatsoever changes to your living space, order the sump pump you need. While you can find the specifications online if possible measure it in person to brand sure it'll fit in your sump pit. While determining its size, you lot should as well test the sump pump and bank check valve to make sure everything works efficiently. In one case you ensure that you have a reliable sump pump and bank check valve, you tin properly create the infinite for this new equipment by setting up a sturdy sump pump pit.
  • Look for the nearest outlet: Since your sump pump runs on electricity, you demand to make sure it has admission to its ain Ground Mistake Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlet. These ability sources will provide the energy y'all demand while preventing electrical daze. If you don't have one of these outlets near your bowl, you should have an electrician set one up for you. Using an extension cord to connect your sump pump to the nearest outlet could damage your insulation and make it insufficient for your sump pump.
  • Dig a hole: If in that location isn't an existing sump pit y'all will demand to create a hole in your basement that's broad and deep enough to fit the sump pump basin. You need to make sure the elevation edge of the sump pump sits affluent with the floor level. Mensurate the radius of the sump basin and mark the perimeter of the circle a few inches larger than information technology. Then, dig the hole until you tin can fit the pump basin inside. If you take a concrete floor, pause through information technology with a jackhammer.
  • Install piping: Gear up upward high-pressure fittings and PVC pipes that will ultimately control the flow of water out of the pump and away from the house. Use J-hooks to hang the pipes from the joists in the basement. Brand a hole through the outside wall to run the pipe and seal the hole with a silicone sealant. Connect more PVC pipe onto the existing line to brand sure the water runs a few feet away from the firm. Spread out the water catamenia by attaching a PVC pipe increaser at the terminate.

Tools and Materials Needed to Install a Residential Sump Pump

Besides the sump pump itself, yous need the post-obit products to accomplish your sump pump installation:

  • Drill with a 3/xvi-inch bit
  • Plastic or fiberglass sump pump basin
  • Sump pump basin lid
  • Wet/dry vacuum for removing h2o and droppings
  • PVC primer and solvent
  • Tape measure
  • Rubber coupling kick
  • Utility knife
  • Adaptable pipe wrench
  • Hack saw
  • Nothing ties
  • Screwdrivers
  • Gloves
  • Sump pump check valve
  • Rags or towels
  • Adjustable pliers
  • PVC pipage

How to Install a Sump Pump on Your Own

Check out thiseasy way to install a sump pump so you can add the unit to your business firm all by yourself. You can also follow our step-by-stride sump pump installation guide:

  1. Remove the old pump and check valve:Unplug the old pump from the GFCI outlet and remove information technology from the pit. At this point, you should besides disconnect the check valve and allow the h2o drain out. While you lot tin can reuse an old bank check valve, it would be best if you replaced it along with your new sump pump.
  2. Audit the sump pump pit: Check the basin and make sure in that location'due south a stable, level bottom for placing the new pump within. It should be clear of h2o and debris, merely if you lot see anything obstructing information technology, take a wet/dry out vacuum and clean out the excess materials.
  3. Prepare the new pump:Carefully take the new pump and check valve out of their boxes and set them aside. Make sure yous take the registration information and the user manual to aid you during this process.
  4. Attach the PVC discharge piping to the union:Wipe off any water or debris from the existing PVC discharge piping with a rag. Liberally employ PVC primer and glue to the inside of your PVC threading union, and firmly place the union on the discharge pipe for a tight fit.
  5. Effigy out the length of your pipage:Measure the length of the tubing you need from the discharge of the pump to the marriage. Decrease the check valve'south size from that of the piping to determine how much you lot should cut the tubing.
  6. Cut and clean the pipe: Using a hack saw, cut the PVC pipe in two pieces. Run a utility knife around the inside edges to shine out rough, uneven surfaces. Attach the appropriate fittings for your pipe size, wrapping the threads in plumber'due south tape.
  7. Connect pipes to the cheque valve:Loosen each clamp of the cheque valve with a screwdriver and install the piping tightly into the rubber boot of the cheque valve. You may need to use force to brand sure they fit snugly and tighten the clamps with a screwdriver.
  8. Create weep holes: Weep holes prevent the pump from air locking, which is when the air in a pipe prevents the flow of water. To create a cry pigsty, drill a 3/16-inch hole in the pipeline between the pump and the bank check valve.
  9. Install the pump:Screw the threaded pipe into the pump'southward discharge surface area until it's tight. Place the pump into the pit, ensuring it's level and there'south infinite on both sides for the bladder switch to move freely. Tighten the spousal relationship on the discharge pipage until it's secure.
  10. Connect and examination the pump:Plug the unit into a GFCI outlet and secure the cord with zippo ties. Test the pump by partially filling the pit with h2o. It should automatically turn on and drain the bowl. Afterwards y'all've ensured that the sump pump works, place the bowl lid over the pit to eliminate odors.
  11. Register your sump pump:Once you lot have your production installed,register it online with Zoeller at Home. Registration allows us to contact yous of whatever changes in safety and ostend buying if y'all need to fix or return it.

Select a Sump Pump From Zoeller at Home to Prevent Flooding in Your Basement

Zoeller at Home provides loftier-quality sump pumps and accessories for your home's basement or crawl space. Protect your investment with a sump pump that tin can drain water away from your living infinite and foreclose water and electrical damage. You can have peace of mind knowing that your home is still protected when your master pump fails with a fill-in sump pump from Zoeller at Abode.

Look for a retailer near you lot to find where to buy a sump pump near you, or browse through our selection of sump pumps online. For more information about how to install a sump pump, you lot can contact the states online to speak with a representative via alive chat.

Page updated: April fifteen, 2022


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